Simple Programs In Python. The simple thing in python is that you can import other python files to your same way you need to import the tkinter python as similar to include in c. Return a b a b write stocks data as comma separated values with open stocks csv w newline as stocksfilew.
Python program to shuffle deck of cards. Import csv need to define cmp function in python 3 def cmp a b. A 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 b 2 7 i very i for i in a for line in b.
Python get number of characters words spaces and lines in a file.
Python pattern programs bubble sort 1 and 0 in alternative columns 1 and 0 in alternative rows box pattern of numbers 1 and 0 exponentially increasing star pattern floyd s triangle hollow box pattern of numbers of 1 and 0 hollow rectangle star pattern square star hollow pattern inverted right. Community answer prime py print 1 for i in range 2 101. Python program to add two numbers. P from tkinter import br import tkinter import tkmessagebox top tk l1 label top text hi l1 pack side left e1 entry top bd 5 e1 pack side right b button top text hello b pack p p top mainloop p.