Signup Screen Android. The signup activity enables the user to create an account on your app and is generally displayed via the link on the login activity. This result can be handled via the onactivityresult method of the login activity to determine how a successfull signup is handled.
Add background image and logo of your app. To allow only registered users to our android application we need to implement login and registration screens to ask the users to register first then login to the application to get an access for the content in an application. This video shows how to create a simple and beautiful sign up screen in the android.
Note that we set a result ok result when the user signs up successfully.
Create a new project in android studio by navigating to file new new project and provide a name to your project. Sign up screen is one of the most common screens you can find in any app. Create a new project in android studio by navigating to file new new project and provide a name to your project. This video shows how to create a simple and beautiful sign up screen in the android.