Omnivora Animals. Examples of omnivorous animals black bear. Domesticated dogs canis familiaris when they are considered to be a distinct species or canis lupus familiaris.
List of extended omnivorous animals badgers civets catfish piranhas chimpanzees squirrels hedgehogs bonnethead sharks earwigs earthworms. Pigs are omnivores belonging to a family of even toed ungulate known as suidae and the genus sus. Examples of omnivorous animals black bear.
Omnivorous animals also include chickens crows pigs wolves dogs catfish piranhas cockroaches wasps and houseflies.
Examples of omnivorous animals black bear. Small mammals such as rabbits beavers and squirrels as well as snakes lizards birds insects fruits. Heterodontosaurus had teeth for grinding and canines for puncturing gallimimus a bird like dinosaur with long claws for picking fruit and capturing prey ornithomimus a large dinosaur with a large beak for eating small animals and. Examples of omnivorous animals black bear.