Makam Imam Faqih Muqaddam. Due to instability in the region it was normal during his study that muhammad bin ali put a sword on his lap for protection. However muhammad al faqih did not follow fully abu madyan s tariqa but he combined it with the teachings of his forefathers and the tariqa of abdul qadir gilani.
Al faqih al muqaddam was born in tarim in 574 1178 and grew up in an environment of knowledge and righteousness memorising the qur an and mastering the sciences of the sacred law in his youth. Yang paling terutama adalah dua orang muridnya yaitu asy syeikh abdullah bin muhammad ibad dan asy syeikh sa id bin umar balhaf. Mengenai imam al faqih al muqaddam muhammad bin ali sayyid idrus bin umar al habsyi dalam kitabnya iqdul yawaqiet al jauhariyah mengatakan.
He studied at the hands of tarim s greatest scholars and very quickly surpassed his peers until he reached the rank of mujtahid and became known as al faqih or the jurist.
Imam ahmad selalu berjalan di atas. Beberapa ulama besar berhasil dalam didikan dia. Dari keistimewaan yang ada pada sayyidina al faqih al muqaddam adalah tidak suka menonjolkan diri lahir dan batinnya dalam kejernihan yang ma qul semua karya pemikiran dan penghimpun kebenaran yang manqul nash nash alquran dan sunnah. During his time sayyid families in hadramaut were seen as a threat by other tribes.