Indirect Light Reflex Pathway. And the sphincter pupillae of. The posterior commissure which forms the roof of the cerebral aqueduct of sylvius.
The mechanisms behind the direct and indirect reflex examination of cranial nerves ii and iii are helpful in understanding abnormal findings. The posterior commissure which forms the roof of the cerebral aqueduct of sylvius. This pathway results in the direct and indirect light reflex as the input to one optic nerve reaches both edinger westphal nuclei.
Pupillary response to light.
Afferent pathway stimulation of the retinal receptors by light initiate an impulse which is transmitted from the eye via the optic nerve with the majority then crossing over at the optic chiasm to the contralateral optic tract. The bilateral ciliary ganglia in the posterior orbit. The pupillary light reflex pathway lies at the level of the midbrain diencephalic junction and involves the pretectal olivary nucleus of the pretectal area which lies anterolateral to the superior pole of the superior colliculus. And the sphincter pupillae of.