Faqih Muqaddam. Gurunya itu yakni al imam abdullah bin abdurrahman tidak memulai pelajaran kecuali kalau al faqih al muqaddam sudah hadir. Sudahkah ndaa mengamalkan sholawat al faqih muqaddam selawatshifa sholawat tibbil qulub tanpa musik sholawatobat sholawat tibbil qulub hadroh al faqih muqa.
Selain itu dia al faqih al muqaddam juga mengambil ilmu dari al faqih asy syeikh salim bin fadhl dan al imam al faqih abdullah bin abdurrahman bin abu ubaid pengarang kitab al ikmal ala at tanbih. Al faqih al muqaddam was born in tarim in 574 1178 and grew up in an environment of knowledge and righteousness memorising the qur an and mastering the sciences of the sacred law in his youth. Muhammad bin ali 574h 653h was titled the father of tarim the great professor and the forefront jurisprudence al faqih al muqadam title and honour not given to any one before him.
Sudahkah ndaa mengamalkan sholawat al faqih muqaddam selawatshifa sholawat tibbil qulub tanpa musik sholawatobat sholawat tibbil qulub hadroh al faqih muqa.
Muhammad al a dham al faqih al muqaddam dilahirkan pada tahun 574 h di tarim sebuah kota di lembah hadramaut yaman. Muhammad al a dham al faqih al muqaddam dilahirkan pada tahun 574 h di tarim sebuah kota di lembah hadramaut yaman. Sudahkah ndaa mengamalkan sholawat al faqih muqaddam selawatshifa sholawat tibbil qulub tanpa musik sholawatobat sholawat tibbil qulub hadroh al faqih muqa. Muhammad bin ali 574h 653h was titled the father of tarim the great professor and the forefront jurisprudence al faqih al muqadam title and honour not given to any one before him.